"Statomatic is a good and clean piece of software that does the job I want it to. Clean and
clear interface - logged exactly what I wanted - responsive code - only a small portion of code required to insert
in pages - HTML code doesn't slowdown page loading."
Statomatic Features

Ad Campaigns
This report displays how many visitors were referred to your web site by the web sites you can specify
in Configuration menu. Perfect for ad campaign tracking and reporting. If you participate in banner
exchanges or buy banner ad space from other web sites use this feature to track how effective each one of
those campaigns is. You can track as many web sites as you wish, and add them at any time.

Search Engines
This report displays the number of visitors referred by the top 50 search engines. A great indicator
of whether or not your search engine campaing is working, and if your pages are optimzed for the search
engines. To get a better ranking on search engines make sure your site is optimized by adding meta tags
and using key terms in your site's content. Interactive 3D Java pie chart shows a share of each search
engine. The list was compiled from the information found at www.searchenginewatch.com.
Search Engines: MSN Search, Yahoo, Google, AltaVista, HotBot, GoTo, Excite, LookSmart,
Dogpile, Lycos, Go.com, MetaCrawler, AOL Search, Direct Hit, Ask Jeeves, IWon, Netscape Search, FAST
Search, Northern Light, About.com, Mamma, NBCi, Ixquick, WebCrawler, ProFusion, FindWhat.com, NetFlip.com,
Vivisimo, SurfWax.com, ePilot.com, Ah-ha.com, Query Server, Espotting.com, Sprinks, InfoGrid, Bay9.com,
Kanoodle, ValleyAlley.com, Godado, TeRespondo, eFind.com, 7Search.com, qbSearch, OneSearch.com, Sportula,
Win4Win, CleanSearch.com, Search.com, RealNames, and Open Directory.

Search Queries
This report displays which key phrases were used to find your web site through a search engine.
Make sure your html files have proper meta tags to increase your site's position in a search engine
for a particular key word or a key phrase. Rearrange key words in meta tags if you do not see the
desired key phrases in this report. Resubmit your web site at least once a month for best results.

Search Engine Queries
This report is somewhat a combination of Search Engines and Search Queries reports.
It will display top entered search queries for each search engine. This report makes it easy to see how
your web sites rates for different key phrases on different search engines, so you can work on improving
your site's content for specific keywords on specific search engines.

Referring Domains
This report displays referrering domains. If another web site has multiple links to your web site, in
this report you can see exactly how many visitors were referred by all of the links combined on that site.
For detailed information about unique referring URLs check out Referring URLs

Referring URLs
This report displays referrering URLs which tell you how visitors found your site, and where they
are comming from. Different types of URLs are marked by different colors, so by looking at this report
you will have a crystal clear understanding about the origin of your incoming traffic. You can click on
any of the URLs, and it will take you back to the referring page where you can see how it is linked to
your web site. If the referrer is a search engine, you can even find out your position on a particular
key phrase that was used to find your site.

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