Frequently Asked Questions
- I followed the installation instructions, but I get an Internal Server Error, what's wrong?
- SSI syntax doesn't change in HTML files like the instructions say it should, what do I do?
- My host allows to run CGI scripts only inside /cgi-bin/, how do I install Statomatic?
- The program works, but the graphs and pie-charts are not showing up, how do I fix it?
- The program works, but hosts and domains are not being recorded, what do I do?
- I have not set the password yet, but I get an Invalid Password error, what do I do?
Q: I followed the installation instructions, but I get an Internal Server Error, what's wrong?
A: First, make sure you have downloaded correct version for your web server. To find out your web server
OS telnet to your server and type uname -a . Second, if you are extracting the files on your computer
and uploading them to your server through FTP, make sure you upload .cgi files in BINARY mode. Third, make
sure you have set the file permissions according to the installation instructions. Finally, it is possible that
your web server only allows for CGI programs to run inside /cgi-bin/, in this case refer to question #3.
Q: SSI syntax doesn't change in HTML files like the instructions say it should, what do I do?
A: Your server is not configured to parse HTML files for SSI, or it only parses .shtml files. Inside
the main HTML directory create a file called .htaccess and place 2 following lines
inside it:
AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .htm
AddType text/x-server-parsed-html .html
This will enable your server to parse .htm and .html files for SSI.
Q: My host allows to run CGI scripts only inside /cgi-bin/, how do I install Statomatic?
- Follow the regular installation instructions
- Create a directory /stats/ inside /cgi-bin/
- Move the directory /data/, and all .cfg and .cgi files to /cgi-bin/stats/
- In /stats/ remove index.html and rename index_cgi.html to index.html
- Go to, follow Configure link, enter /stats/ for
Statomatic directory, and Save Changes
For SSI version the code you will need to insert into your pages is:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/stats/stats.cgi"-->
For IMG version the code you will need to insert into your pages is:
<script language=JavaScript>
document.write('<img width=1 height=1 src=/cgi-bin/stats/stats.cgi?dir=/stats&ref='+escape(document.referrer)+'>');
<noscript><img width=1 height=1 src=/cgi-bin/stats/stats.cgi?dir=/stats&ref=></noscript>
Q: The program works, but the graphs and pie-charts are not showing up, how do I fix it?
A: Make sure you upload all .class files inside /appl/ in BINARY mode.
Q: The program works, but hosts and domains are not being recorded, what do I do?
A: For SSI and IMG versions replace file stats.cgi with the statsDNS.cgi. For the LOG version you will need
to reconfigure log file to include hosts isntead of IP addresses.
Q: I have not set the password yet, but I get an Invalid Password error, what do I do?
A: Re-upload all .cfg files in ASCII mode.